Woodcare Direct

Erfurt Mav Professional lining 1400 grade

Erfurt Mav Professional lining 1400 grade
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Our ERFURTmav Professional linings are the brand of choice for many professional decorators throughout the UK. Carefully selected long fibre, pure paper pulp is used to produce paper with excellent tensile strength and easy cutting characteristics, even when soaked. So what makes it pure Quite simply it's made from pure pulp, sourced from carefully managed forests accredited by either FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification*). The heavier the grade of lining the more effectively it will cover and smooth out defects a double roll is 20.10mx56cm roll coverage 11.2sq m approx. a quid roll 40.2mx56cm a roll coverage 22.4sq m approx

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